
As I’m writing more of my outline I have managed to grasp my overall theme for my feature film idea. The theme I have settled on is that “you can’t always run away from your problems”. I plan on embracing this theme through the setting, character and the back story of my character.


By basing my main setting inside a wrecked train makes it very claustrophobic which makes it very difficult for the characters to escape and forces them to deal with the problems that comes up in the film.


This theme gives me a good guide line to keep too when it comes to developing my protagonists character arc. My protagonist will go to aways running away from his problems and always being afraid, to having to fight against the Aliens and become the hero of the story.

The ending will reflect how I feel on the issue of running way from your problems. My personal opinion on it is that I think it’s a good thing to face your fears and opens up new opportunities, I will show this in the climax and ending of my film outline.