TV Serial or Feature Length Film?

I am currently writing a very detailed and long outline for my idea. I have decided to stick with the idea of Aliens that have invaded the train. However, as I am writing out my outline it has made me consider that possibly it would be better to make my idea into a TV serial as there is a lot of information that I am writing down and I don’t feel as if it would all fit into one film unless I make it a film series which is what I wanted to originally avoid. But if I was to make it a TV serial I would make it a one off (3 episodes), with each episode being 50 minutes long. I am going to carry on working on the detailed outline then start breaking it down into the 3 Act structure.


After much thought on this, I have decided to keep my idea in the format of a feature length film.

Sci-Fi or Escape Genre?

In my pitch feedback it was mentioned that I need to think if my film is gonna be a science fiction or an escapism. My initial idea was for it to be purely science fiction due to the Alien that was gonna be in the meteor. However, thinking about it even more I may change it so there is no alien and the goal for Rick on the train will be based on him and the other passengers trying to escape the train after a meteor has crashed into it. At the moment I am favouring the escapism idea and I have written up to the point of the meteor shower so I aim to edge towards not actually having an alien and just have the group of passengers trying to escape and survive this huge collision.

Change in Location.

I have done some more research into the train stations and realised I have to change my main location as Grimsby Town isn’t open 24 hours, which means that there won’t be any staff working overnight like Rick is meant to. So I have changed my location to Luton as its very similar surroundings and it gives me the flexibility to have the station open 24 hours and there are more straight forward timings that fits my idea better. So my new location where Rick lives and will escape from is Luton.

Train Research.

I have done some research on the train journey and the type of trains that run from Grimsby Town to Edinburgh Waverly and I have had to change a couple location spots due to my story not being accurate, so I have had to include the locations of Doncaster and York into my story.

I have also looked at the train operators which take care of this journey so I know what my trainspotter will randomly talk about when ‘jotting on his notepad and mumbling to himself’, this train will be the Transpennine Express, Cross Country and Virgin Trains East Coast. I have also had the change the timing of the point where Rick runs away as the train doesn’t actually leave till 5am from Grimsby Town to Doncaster. I feel that I have to watch out of logistics with my plot just so I don’t have an inaccuracy that could be picked up.

Researching Log Lines:

This weeks lecture was very interesting and helped me a lot in how I plan on pitching my idea. I am currently writing an outline for the entire film, and also researched into what makes a good log line for a feature film. The video we watched in the lecture was very useful, and gave me the technique of using, 1) Problem and a Hero, 2) Wild Factor, 3) Irony.

I also found this video which has really helped me in the structure of my log line and the keep it captivating and interesting:

After making notes whilst watching these videos I decided to write the log line for my idea. This is what I have so far:

“A Sci-Fi/Thriller about a lonely train assistant wants to escape his downbeat life and decides to get on a train to Edinburgh, which suddenly becomes attacked by an unknown force. Will Rick manage to finally escape? Or will he finally fight his problems”