I am still finding it difficult to think of ideas that will stay climatic to the end. I have started thinking of possibly using ideas from dreams that I have had that I can remember. One dream that I can remember very clearly involved a group of people visiting an old castle / manor house which is famous for its historical significance. The day then has a quick turn when the main girl sees a group of people in the distance walking towards to castle with masks on (similar to the masks in ‘The Purge – James DeMonaco”). This then leads to war amongst the visitors and the masked people.  I feel this would be a great idea to use and follow in my script.


(The Purge – James DeMonaco 2013) 

Friday, 25th September 2015

First Week of gathering thoughts and ideas on my ten minute script. I have watched a variety of short films to see if I can expand ideas through influence. My main ideas from doing this included, a story about a girl stuck in a time loop (influenced by Rotor – Maarten Groen)


and a story on a man who goes back in time to sort out issues from his childhood (influenced by Future Hero – Ramin Serry and I’m you, dickhead by Lucas Testro)

future_hero_still_-_zach_shoots_androidI then had my workshop which gave me ideas on using my own memories and themes from my favourite films to grasp ideas, the film that sprung to mind first was ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel – Wes Anderson”. This helped me narrow down a genre and setting for my script, which is fantasy and the setting of an old hotel.


I have since then been brainstorming ideas and concepts for my script. I have been finding it difficult to think of a climatic ending to each idea I think of and I am struggling to think of ways to keep the idea engaging throughout beginning to end. This is a big issue for me and is causing me to become less confident with each idea that I come up with. The image below is my notes and ideas that I have made.
